...if you had a recurring income stream?

Take private lessons to learn a new instrument? Learning to play instruments has many mental health benefits. It reduces stress, improves brain cognitive performance, and increases memory abilities. As soon as you can start by picking up an instrument, you will gradually see improvements in your mental health.

Start a baking side gig? Or just for fun? Another beneficial activity for mental health is…baking! Who doesn’t love cookies? Duh!! But the process itself, the repetition and meditation (focus thinking) of the recipe and visualizing the final result has amazing stress reducing benefits.

Finally travel to that one place you dreamed of? Exotic travel locations are becoming more and more popular, but harder to access due to climate change, regulations, overbooking or locked out. A boutique travel experience can be purchased for a hefty cost that are 1% wealth group level luxury.

Buy a luxury sport car? Don’t we all love that fresh car smell and coasting down the road on a sunny breezy day! Feel the air running through your hair and give friends rides to remember for a life time. Leisure time and enjoying it is a currency very hard to replace. No crypto, nor diamonds can replace time as a currency.